Previewing apps in the browser
How to preview and test your iOS or Android app in the browser
Codemagic allows you to launch your iOS or Android app on an iOS simulator or Android emulator running in the browser, regardless of the operating system you are using. Test your app against different device and OS configurations, emulate GPS location or demo the latest app version without needing access to a physical device.
Tip: The following sections describe creating previewable artifacts using codemagic.yaml. If you’re using the Flutter Workflow Editor, follow the instructions here.
Creating iOS .app binaries for previewing on the simulator
To create a .app
to run on the iOS simulator, consult the codemagic.yaml samples below.
You should make sure that the following values in the -destination
string correspond with the macOS instance you are using:
corresponds with one of the devices available on the macOS instance being used.OS
matches the iOS runtime available on the macOS instance being used.
You can find the macOS specifications that list the available iOS devices and runtimes here.
Sample codemagic.yaml for building an iOS .app
binary for Flutter projects.
name: Flutter iOS Simulator
flutter: 3.27.3
xcode: 16.2
- name: install dependencies
script: flutter pub get
- name: Build unsigned .app
script: |
xcodebuild -workspace "ios/Runner.xcworkspace" \
-scheme "Runner" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 16,OS=18.2' \
-configuration Debug \
-derivedDataPath ios/output
- ios/output/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Alternatively, you can target any available simulator on the build machine by using the Flutter build command with the --simulator
- name: Run Flutter pub get
script: flutter pub get
- name: Build unsigned .app for simulator
script: flutter build ios --simulator
- build/ios/iphonesimulator/
If you are using Flutter flavors and want to preview a specific flavor, make sure that you set the correct value for your flavor’s -scheme
and set the entry point for your flavor using FLUTTER_TARGET
name: Flutter Flavor iOS Simulator
flutter: 3.27.3
xcode: 16.2
cocoapods: default
- name: install dependencies
script: flutter pub get
- name: Build unsigned .app
script: |
xcodebuild -workspace "ios/Runner.xcworkspace" \
-scheme "Runner-dev" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 16,OS=18.2" \
-configuration Debug \
FLUTTER_TARGET=lib/main_dev.dart \
-derivedDataPath ios/output
- ios/output/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
On a successful build, you will see the Quick Launch button next to the .app
artifact in build overview.
Creating Android .apk binaries for previewing on the emulator
You can preview any .apk
artifact built in Codemagic.
In your codemagic.yaml, ensure that the artifacts
section contains the path to the .apk
artifact so that it is picked up and displayed among the build artifacts in Codemagic, as in the following example.
name: Android debug workflow
- name: Set Android SDK location
script: |
echo "sdk.dir=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT" > "$CM_BUILD_DIR/"
- name: Build Android
script: |
./gradlew assembleDebug
- app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
On a successful build, you will see the Quick Launch button next to the .apk
artifact in build overview.
Previewing apps
Clicking Quick Launch next to a suitable artifact launches an iOS simulator or an Android emulator respectively with your app installed on it, right in your browser.
To use a different device and OS combination, click the three dots on the controls menu and select Change device.
The preview session remains active for a maximum of 20 minutes and is limited to one concurrent session by default. To end the ongoing session, select Stop session from the menu.