Cloudflare Pages

How to deploy a website to Cloudflare Pages using codemagic.yaml

Cloudflare Pages is a JAMstack platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy websites.

Configure Cloudflare access

Before getting started you will need to create a Cloudflare API token and get your Account ID.

Create a Cloudflare API token

To create a token:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard.
  2. Select the user icon on the top right of your dashboard > My Profile.
  3. Select API Tokens > Create Token.
  4. Select Use template next to Edit Cloudflare Workers. All templates are prefilled with a token name and permissions. You also need to modify the account and zone resources you want assigned to the token.
  5. After editing your token, select Continue to summary and review the permissions before selecting create token.
  6. Save the generated token for later to store it in Codemagic.

Get the Account ID

From Cloudflare dashboard select your website and copy the Account ID under the API section at the right section from the Overview page.

If there is only one account associated with the API token, then the account ID is inferred automatically.

See the official docs.

Configure environment variables

  1. Open your Codemagic app settings, and go to the Environment variables tab.

  2. Enter the desired Variable name, e.g. CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN.

  3. Enter the desired variable value as Variable value.

  4. Enter the variable group name, e.g. cloudflare_credentials. Click the button to create the group.

  5. Make sure the Secure option is selected.

  6. Click the Add button to add the variable.

  7. Repeat the steps to add the CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID.

  8. Add the variable group to your codemagic.yaml file

          - cloudflare_credentials # <-- (Includes CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN, CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID)

Publish to Cloudflare Pages

After you have created your page from the Cloudflare dashboard and given it a name, you can configure automatic publishing in your codemagic.yaml.

First, we need to install wrangler, which is a command-line tool for building with Cloudflare developer products, and then publish our website.

Add the following script to your publishing section:

    - name: Install wrangler
        script: npm install -g wrangler    
    - name: Deploy to Cloudflare Pages
        script: | 
        wrangler pages publish <path/to/your/build/folder/> --project-name <your-project-name> --branch <branch-name>

You can change the default commit message which is your current git commit message by using --commit-message "Your commit message"

If the deployment is complete then you should be able to browse your website using the URL at the last line of the log.

Flutter web sample workflow

Here’s a workflow for building a Flutter web application and then publish it to Cloudflare Pages.

    name: Web Workflow
    instance_type: linux_x2
        - cloudflare # <-- (Includes CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN, CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID)
      flutter: stable
      - name: Get Flutter packages
        script: flutter packages pub get
      - flutter config --enable-web
      - name: Build Web
        script: | 
          flutter build web --release
      - name: Gather the web files
        script: | 
          cd build/web
          7z a -r ../ ./*
      - build/
        - name: Install wrangler
          script: npm install -g wrangler
        - name: Deploy to Cloudflare Pages
          script: | 
            wrangler pages publish build/web/ --project-name my-flutter-pages --branch production
        channel: "#builds"
        notify_on_build_start: true