Release notes publishing with codemagic.yaml

How to publish release notes with successful builds

Create custom release notes file(s) to notify users of the changes as you publish a new version of your app.

Release notes can be published to:

  • email. The release notes will be included in the publishing email of a successful build if you have publishing to email configured in the publishing section of your workflow.

  • Slack. The release notes will be included in the Slack notification of a successful build if you have publishing to Slack configured in the publishing section of your workflow.

  • App Store Connect. The release notes will be published to the “What to Test” field in the Test Details section in TestFlight if you have publishing to App Store Connect configured in the publishing section of your workflow. In case App Store review submission is enabled, then the release notes will be also used to fill in the “What’s New” field in the Version Information section in App Store.

    Note that release notes are uploaded in the post-processing step.

  • Google Play. The release notes will be published to Google Play Console if you have publishing to Google Play configured in the publishing section of your workflow.

  • Firebase App Distribution. The release notes will be published to Firebase console if you have publishing to Firebase App Distribution configured in the publishing section of your workflow.

Setting up release notes

Warning: Apple does not support < and > symbols in release_notes file. Uploading a file with such symbols will cause the App Store Connect API to return 409 error and description that text contains invalid characters.

There are three supported options to set up release notes:

Single file

  1. Create a release_notes.txt or release_notes.json file for Play Store and a release_notes.json file for App Store Connect. If your workflow is publishing to both the Play Store and the App Store then it is recommended that you use JSON.

  2. Add the file to your project working directory, which is either the repository root directory or the working_directory specified in the root of your workflow configuration. Codemagic will fetch the content of that file and publish it with the build.

    • For email, Slack and Firebase it will be published as is.
    • For Google Play it will be published under en-US language localization code.

One file per language used

App Store Connect supported languages and codes are listed here.

Google Play Console supported languages and codes are listed here.

  1. Create a release_notes_<language_localization_code>.txt file for every language used, e.g. release_notes_en-GB.txt, release_notes_it.txt.

  2. Add all of the files to your project working directory, which is either the repository root directory or the working_directory specified in the root of your workflow configuration.

    • Release notes with en-US language code will be published to email and Slack in case file with en-US language code exists. If not, the first found release notes file will be published.
    • For both App Store Connect and Google Play, only the release notes with the supported language codes will be published, omitting language codes that are not supported.
    • It is required to include What's New notes for the primary locale while setting up Release notes.

Single file for multiple languages

  1. Create a release_notes.json file containing the release notes in all supported languages:
        "language": "en-GB",
        "text": "British English release notes text"
        "language": "en-US",
        "text": "The US English release notes text"
  1. Add this file to your project working directory, which is either the repository root directory or the working_directory specified in the root of your workflow configuration. Notes with missing language or text fields will not be taken into account.

    • Release notes with en-US language code will be published to email, Slack and Firebase, given that an entry with en-US language code exists. If not, the first release notes will be published.

    • For both App Store Connect and Google Play, only the release notes with the supported language codes will be published, omitting language codes that are not supported.

    • For App Store review submission it is possible to also configure Promotional Text, Description, Keywords, Support URL and _Marketing URL- in addition to What’s New notes via release_notes.json file. In order to do so, those fields need to be defined as follows:

        "language": "en-GB",
        "text": "British English release notes text",
        "description": "Updated app description", // Optional for App Store review submission
        "keywords": "keyword, other keyword", // Optional for App Store review submission
        "promotional_text": "Promotional text", // Optional for App Store review submission
        "marketing_url": "", // Optional for App Store review submission
        "support_url": "" // Optional for App Store review submission

Generating release notes with git commits

If your Codemagic workflow is triggered when creating a Git tag, you may want to automate the process of generating release notes based on your Git commits. You can use the git log command to generate release notes with commit messages between two Git tags. Here’s how you can do it:

    name: Generating release notes with git commits
    script: | 
        git fetch --all --tags

        prev_tag=$(git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate  --format '%(objectname)' refs/tags | sed -n 2p )
        notes=$(git log --pretty=format:"\n- %s" "$prev_tag"..HEAD)

        echo "$notes" | tee release_notes.txt

If you use this script locally, it will generate release notes with all the commits between tags e.g v1.0.0 and v2.0.0

    Fix bug A
    Fix bug B

However, when using Codemagic, you will also need to configure the CM_CLONE_DEPTH environment variable. By default, this variable is set to clone only one commit for builds triggered by tags. To capture all commits between tags, e.g. v1.0.0 and v2.0.0, you should set CM_CLONE_DEPTH to a value greater than the number of commits between those tags (e.g. 10 or more). This adjustment will ensure to capture all the commits.

In your YAML file, set the value for the CM_CLONE_DEPTH variable under the environment variable section as shown below;

         CM_CLONE_DEPTH: 5

Keep in mind that by setting CM_CLONE_DEPTH value to a greater number might increase the time it takes to clone the repository during the build, so consider the trade-off between clone depth and build performance.