Using codemagic.yaml

Configure all your workflows in a single file

codemagic.yaml is a highly customizable configuration file for setting up your CI/CD pipeline with Codemagic. Configure all your workflows in a single file and commit the file to version control.

Building with YAML

In order to use codemagic.yaml for build configuration on Codemagic, it has to be committed to your repository. The name of the file must be codemagic.yaml and it must be located in the root directory of the repository.

When detected in the repository, codemagic.yaml is automatically used for configuring builds triggered in response to the events defined in the file, provided that a webhook is set up.

Builds can also be started manually by clicking Start new build in Codemagic and selecting the branch and workflow to build in the Specify build configuration popup.

Check out the cheatsheet we have created to help you when using Codemagic YAML.


You can readily commit codemagic.yaml with the following content to test it out:

    name: Hello world workflow
        - echo "Hello World!"

The scripts in the scripts section will be run right after the repository is cloned.

codemagic.yaml follows the traditional YAML syntax. Here are a few tips and tricks on how to better structure the file.

Note: You can use the Codemagic JSON schema to validate codemagic.yaml in your IDE. See how to set it up here.

Section names

For easier reading of the configuration file and build logs, you can divide the scripts into meaningful sections with descriptive names.

  - name: Build for iOS         # Name of the section
    script: flutter build ios   # The script(s) to be run in that section

Reusing sections

If a particular section would be reused multiple times in the file, e.g. in each workflow, you can avoid repetitions by using anchors. This is also convenient when you need to make changes to the code, as you would have to edit it in just one place.

Define the section to be reused by adding & in front of it.

  - &increment_build_number       # Defined section 
    name: Increment build number 
    script: agvtool new-version -all $(($PROJECT_BUILD_NUMBER +1))

Reuse the defined section elsewhere by adding a * in front of it.

  - script1
  - *increment_build_number       # Reused section
  - script3

You can also define the reusable section under definitions by adding & in front of the section name.

  env_versions: &env_versions
    xcode: latest 
    cocoapods: default

Expand the defined section elsewhere by using aliased mapping (<<) and adding a * in front of the section name.

    name: iOS release 
      << : *env_versions

Here’s a sample codemagic.yaml that extensively uses anchors, aliases, and aliased mappings to reuse the sections in different workflows.


This is the skeleton structure of codemagic.yaml. Each section, along with the configuration options, is described in more detail

    name: My workflow name
      - QA
      - ${TENANT_NAME}
    instance_type: mac_mini_m2
    max_build_duration: 60
    inputs: # more information about build inputs:
      name: # input ID
        description: Input description
        default: Codemagic
        - group_name
        PUBLIC_ENV_VAR: "value here"
      flutter: stable
      xcode: latest
        - ~/.pub-cache
        - push
        - pattern: '*'
          include: true
          source: true
      cancel_previous_builds: false
      - echo "Hello, ${{ }}"
      - ...
      - build/**/outputs/bundle/**/*.aab
        - echo 'Post-publish script'


You can use codemagic.yaml to define several workflows for building a project. Each workflow describes the entire build pipeline from triggers to publishing. For example, you may want to have separate workflows for developing, testing, and publishing the app.

  my-workflow:                   # workflow ID
    name: My workflow name       # workflow name displayed in Codemagic UI
    instance_type: mac_mini_m2   # machine instance type
    max_build_duration: 60       # build duration in minutes (min 1, max 120)

The main sections in each workflow are described below.

Instance Type

instance_type: specifies the build machine type to use for the build. The supported build machines are:

Instance TypeBuild Machine
mac_mini_m2Apple silicon M2 Mac mini

Note: Instance types linux_x2 and windows_x2 are only available for teams and users with billing enabled.

Build inputs

Build inputs are parameters that allow you to customize your build configurations right before starting a new build without hardcoding them in codemagic.yaml. For example, build inputs can be used to determine whether to build the workflow for test or release purposes or which Xcode version to use, etc. More information about how to configure build inputs and examples can be found here.


environment: section specifies the environment variables and their respective group and build machine software versions.

Note: Environment variables must belong to a group if environment variables are defined in the Codemagic app settings.

Environment variable groups

The snippet below shows how to import environment variable groups defined in the team settings and application settings and also how to define them in the configuration file. Environment variables typically include credentials and API keys required for code signing. Click Secure to encrypt the values. Note that binary files have to be base64 encoded locally before they can be saved to environment variables and decoded during the build.

  groups:             # Define your environment variables groups here
    - keystore_credentials
    - app_store_credentials
    - manual_cert_credentials
    - firebase_credentials
    - other
    # Android code signing - Add the keystore_credentials group environment variables in Codemagic UI
    # (either in Application/Team variables)
    #     CM_KEYSTORE
    #     CM_KEY_ALIAS

    # iOS automatic code signing - Add the app_store_credentials group environment variables
    # in Codemagic UI (either in Application/Team variables)

    # iOS manual code signing - Add the manual_cert_credentials group environment variables
    # in Codemagic UI (either in Application/Team variables)

    # Firebase secrets - Add the firebase_credentials group environment variables in Codemagic UI
    # (either in Application/Team variables
    # Add the other group environment variables in Codemagic UI 
    # (either in Application/Team variables
    #     SSH_KEY_GITHUB     # defining an ssh key used to download private dependencies
    #     CREDENTIALS        # publishing a package to
    #     APP_CENTER_TOKEN   # publishing an application to App Center
Tip: Store related variables in the same group so they can be imported to codemagic.yaml workflow in a single step.

Note: If a group of variables is reusable for various applications, it can be defined in Global variables and secrets in Team settings for easier access.

Workflow environment variables

The snippet below shows how to define workflow specific public environment variables.

  vars:             # Define your environment variables here
    PUBLIC_ENV_VAR: "value here"

Build machine and software versions

The snippet below shows how to specify the versions of Flutter, Xcode, CocoaPods, Node, npm, ndk, Java and Ruby used in the build.

  flutter: stable   # Define the channel name, version (e.g. v1.13.4), or fvm for Flutter Version Management
  xcode: latest     # Define latest, edge or version (e.g. 11.2)
  cocoapods: 1.9.1  # Define default or version
  node: 12.14.0     # Define default, latest, current, lts, carbon (or another stream), nightly or version
  npm: 6.13.7       # Define default, latest, next, lts or version
  ndk: r21d         # Define default or revision (e.g. r19c)
  java: 1.8         # Define default, or platform version (e.g. 11)
  ruby: 2.7.2       # Define default or version (macOS only)

Currently, only the above-mentioned software versions can be customized via the environment section in the yaml file. If a different software version needs to be customized, then it may require a different approach depending upon use cases.

Note: The Xcode version defines type of macOS build machine used for the build (even if you’re building Android). See the default software versions on Codemagic macOS build machines here.

Note: Using a non-default version of Ruby for macOS builds will increase the time of your Preparing build machine step significantly.

Environment section example

You can freely use all of the above features of environment section in conjunction.

  vars: # Define your public environment variables here
    PUBLIC_ENV_VAR: "value here"
  groups: # Import UI defined environment variable groups(either in Application/Team variables) here
    - staging
  xcode: latest # Define latest, edge or version (e.g. 11.2)
  flutter: stable   # Define the channel name or version (e.g. v1.13.4)


cache: defines the paths to be cached and stored on Codemagic. For example, you may consider caching the following paths:

$FLUTTER_ROOT/.pub-cacheDart cache
$HOME/.gradle/cachesGradle cache. Note: do not cache $HOME/.gradle
$HOME/Library/Caches/CocoaPodsCocoaPods cache
$CM_BUILD_DIR/node_modulesNode cache

Note: Caching $HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData won’t help speed up iOS builds with Xcode 10.2 or later.

    - ~/.gradle/caches
    - ...
You can read more about configuring caching for your builds and its usage limits here

Note: Codemagic doesn’t support caching symlinks.
Note: Each workflow has its own cache. It is possible to view the cache for each workflow under the Caching tab in the Codemagic UI.


Note: For automatic build triggering, it is required to configure a webhook in the repository. In your app settings, click Create webhook on the right sidebar under Webhooks to have Codemagic create a webhook. If you need to set up a webhook manually, refer here for details.

triggering: defines the events for automatic build triggering and watched branches. If no events are defined, you can start builds only manually.

A branch pattern can match the name of a particular branch, or you can use wildcard symbols to create a pattern that matches several branches. Note that for pull request builds, you have to specify whether the watched branch is the source or the target of the pull request.

To avoid running builds on outdated commits, you can set cancel_previous_builds to automatically cancel all ongoing and queued builds triggered by webhooks on push or pull request commit when a more recent build has been triggered for the same branch.

  events:                       # List the events that trigger builds
    - push
    - pull_request
    - pull_request_labeled      #GitHub only
    - tag
  branch_patterns:              # Include or exclude watched branches
    - pattern: '*'
      include: true
      source: true              # Applicable only to Pull Request triggers to determine if pattern is for source or target branch
    - pattern: excluded-target
      include: false
      source: false
    - pattern: included-source
      include: true
      source: true
  tag_patterns:                 # Include or exclude watched tag labels
    - pattern: '*'
      include: true
    - pattern: excluded-tag
      include: false
    - pattern: included-tag
      include: true
  cancel_previous_builds: false  # Set to `true` to automatically cancel outdated webhook builds
For information about using API calls to trigger builds, look here.

Read more about configuring additional conditions to run or skip builds or build steps.


Scripts specify what kind of application is built. This is where you can specify the commands to test, build and code sign your project (see our documentation for iOS code signing and Android code signing). You can also run shell (sh) scripts directly in your .yaml file, or run scripts in other languages by defining the language with a shebang line or by launching a script file present in your repository.

When you set ignore_failure to true, the workflow will continue to run even if the script fails.

  - echo "single line script"
  - name: Flutter test
    script: flutter test
    ignore_failure: true
  - | 
    #!/usr/bin/env python3

    print('Multiline python script')
  - name: Build for iOS
    script: flutter build ios

There are example scripts available for building a Flutter application, React Native application, native Android application or a native iOS application.

By default, scripts are run after your app sources are fetched and the repository is cloned. To run scripts before the repository cloning step, use the pre_clone_scripts step:

        name: Default Workflow
          - name: Scripts to run before cloning the repository
            script: ...
            - name: Scripts to run after cloning the repository
              script: ...


Configure the paths and names of the artifacts you would like to use in the following steps, e.g. for publishing, or have available for download on the build page. All paths are relative to the clone directory, but absolute paths are supported as well. You can also use environment variables in artifact patterns.

  - build/**/outputs/apk/**/*.apk                   # relative path for a project in root directory
  - subfolder_name/build/**/outputs/apk/**/*.apk    # relative path for a project in subfolder
  - build/**/outputs/**/*.aab
  - build/**/outputs/**/mapping.txt
  - build/ios/ipa/*.ipa
  - build/macos/**/*.pkg
  - /tmp/xcodebuild_logs/*.log
  - flutter_drive.log

There are several things to keep in mind about patterns:

  • The pattern can match several files or folders. If it picks up files or folders with the same name, the top level file or folder name will be suffixed with _{number}.
  • If one of the patterns includes another pattern, duplicate artifacts are not created.
  • apk, aab, aar, ipa, app, pkg, proguard mapping (mapping.txt), flutter_drive.log, jar, zip, xarchive and files will be available as separate items in the Artifacts section on the build page. The rest of the artifacts will be included in an archive with the following name pattern: {project-name}_{version}


Codemagic has a number of integrations for publishing but you can also publish elsewhere with custom scripts. See the options under the Publishing section.

Note that by default the publishing scripts are run regardless of the build status. You can specify additional conditions with if statements.

    name: Check for apk
    script: | 
      apkPath=$(find build -name "*.apk" | head -1)
      if [[ -z ${apkPath} ]]
        echo "No .apk were found"
        echo "Publishing .apk artifacts"

You can also use the publishing scripts to report build status.

  - name: Report build start
    script: # build started

    . . .

  - name: Build finished successfully
    script: touch ~/SUCCESS
    - name: Report build status
      script: | 
        if [ -a "~/SUCCESS" ] ; then
           # build successful
           # build failed


You may use codemagic.yaml to define labels for your apps. Labels serve as additional information about the workflow you are building and are helpful when you have multiple versions of a workflow. The labels are visible on the /builds and /app/<app-id>/build/<build-id> pages. As shown in the snippet below, labels also support environment variables.

    name: My Workflow
      - QA
      - ${TENANT_NAME}

If you are building white label apps and use the Codemagic REST API to initiate your builds, labels should be passed as described here because it is not possible to override environment variables that will be used as labels.

Working directory

You may select a working directory globally for the entire workflow or individual scripts only. If not specified, the global working directory defaults to the directory where the repository is cloned (/Users/builder/clone). You can override the global working directory by specifying the working directory in the individual steps. Consider the example below:

    name: Build iOS and Android
    working_directory: mobile
      - name: Prepare
        script: pwd # current working directory is /Users/builder/clone/mobile
      - name: Build iOS
        working_directory: mobile/ios
        script: pwd # current working directory is /Users/builder/clone/mobile/ios
      - name: Build Android
        working_directory: mobile/android
        script: pwd # current working directory is /Users/builder/clone/mobile/android
      - name: Process Logs
        working_directory: /Users/builder/Library/Logs
        script: pwd # current working directory is /Users/builder/Library/Logs

Working directory paths are relative to the repository clone directory, e.g. if mobile is the working directory, then the script will be executed in /Users/builder/clone/mobile.

Note that you can specify an absolute path as a working directory as well.

Validating codemagic.yaml locally

Using the Codemagic JSON schema, you can validate your codemagic.yaml for structure and syntax errors right in your IDE. The same level of validation is carried out on the frontend in the YAML editor in your project settings.

The JSON schema does not validate the maximum build duration value, software version values, credentials, environment variable values, or whether you have access to any paid features.

Codemagic JSON schema is available out of the box in the IDEs integrated with, e.g. Android Studio and Visual Studio Code.

If your IDE does not have the Codemagic JSON schema available by default, you can set up validation manually. To do so: