Applications API

API for managing apps added to Codemagic

APIs for managing applications are currently available for developers to preview. During the preview period, the API may change without advance notice.

Using the API with apps configured with codemagic.yaml:
Unlike with Workflow Editor, information about workflows in codemagic.yaml is not stored in Codemagic and is therefore not available before starting a build and cloning the repository. Therefore, the API does not return workflow information such as workflowId for codemagic.yaml workflows.

Retrieve all applications

GET /apps


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-auth-token: <API Token>" \
     --request GET


  "applications": [{
    "_id": "6172cc7d57278d06d4e915f1",
	"appName": "Foobar-App",
	"workflowIds": [
	"workflows": {
	  "5d85f242e941e00019e81bd2": {
	    "name": "Android Workflow"

Retrieve an application

GET /apps/:id

Based on the application id provided, returns the applications information.


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-auth-token: <API Token>" \
     --request GET<app_id>


  "application": {
    "_id": "5d85eaa0e941e00019e81bc2",
    "appName": "counter_flutter",
    "branches": [
    "workflowIds": [
    "workflows": {
      "5d85f242e941e00019e81bd2": {
        "name": "Android Workflow"

Add a new application

POST /apps

Adds a Git repository to the applications list.


repositoryUrlstringRequired. SSH or HTTPS URL for cloning the repository.
teamIdstringOptional. Team ID, if you wish to add an app directly to one of your teams. You must be an admin in the team specified.


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-auth-token: <API Token>" \
     -d '{
       "repositoryUrl": ""
     }' \
     -X POST  


  "_id": "5c9c064185dd2310123b8e96",
  "appName": "my-repo"

Add a new application from a private repository

POST /apps/new

Creates an application from a private repository with an SSH key


repositoryUrlstringRequired. SSH or HTTPS URL for cloning the repository.
projectTypestringflutter-app when adding Flutter application.
teamIdstringOptional. Team ID, if you wish to add an app directly to one of your teams. You must be an admin of the team specified.

sshKey parameter

datastringRequired. base64-encoded private key file.
passphrasestringRequired. SSH key passphrase or null if it SSH key is without a passphrase.

To encode private key file and paste result to clipboard

base64 id_rsa | pbcopy


  curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -H "x-auth-token: <API Token>" \
       -d '{
         "repositoryUrl": "",
         "sshKey": {
           "data": "St89hgb-BASE64-ENCODED-SSH-KEY-FILE-H4ga7jgf==", 
           "passphrase": null
       }' \
       -X POST 


{"application" : {
  "_id": "5c9c064185dd2310123b8e96",
  "appName": "my-repo"

Encrypting base64 encoded values


  curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -H "x-auth-token: $CM_API_TOKEN" \
       -d '{
         "appId": "YOUR_APP_ID", 
         "value": "BASE64_ENCODED_VALUE"
       }' \
       -X POST


    "encrypted": "Encrypted(Z0FBQUFBQmZMVkhwb3Q3QlJtRlVOeVFJcEJvTTRtWnZablpqMS0xN2V6dllTell1ODZSd2FUcnNqMUlZT09QY1paV0pjbVRfUlVJeDUxRWIzX1paOEZlc1dSdi1XMXlkUFVIdjNIZ2VqcE5Ja0tpMjlPWjhlSTQ9)"

Modify application variables and secrets

Codemagic allows you to fetch and modify application variables and secrets using the REST API. Note that the API works slightly differently depending on whether your application is configured to use the Workflow Editor or YAML configuration.

For yaml, variables and secrets are manually configured on the Environment variables tab in your application settings. These variables and secrets can be accessed in your configuration file across all workflows with the use of groups. Variables configured for the Workflow Editor are specific to one workflow.

Fetch variables

GET /apps/:id/variables

Based on the application id provided, returns the configured variables.


  curl -XGET \
       -H 'x-auth-token: <API Token>' \
       -H "Content-type: application/json" \


Response for applications using codemagic.yaml
    "group": "production",
    "id": "619e329e0ca5fe19c3780c74",
    "key": "FOO",
    "secure": true,
    "value": "[HIDDEN]"
Response for applications using Workflow Editor
    "id": "61b06dbe72d7ad0017679014", 
    "key": "FOO", 
    "secure": true, 
    "value": "[HIDDEN]", 
    "workflowId": "60f0520c4c8734015080d401", 
    "workflowName": "Default Workflow"

Add new variable

POST /apps/:id/variables/


keystringRequired. Name of the variable.
valuestringRequired. Value of the variable. For binary data use base64 to encode the contents.
groupstringOptional. Required for applications using yaml configuration. Name of the group that the variable should be added to. If the group does not exist, it will be created.
workflowIdstringOptional. Required for applications using Workflow Editor. ID of the workflow that the variable should be added to.
securebooleanOptional. By default, the variable is encrypted. Set to false to not encrypt the newly added variable.


  curl -XPOST \
       -H 'x-auth-token: <API TOKEN>' \
       -H "Content-type: application/json" \
       -d '{
         "key": "FOO",
         "value": "foobar",
         "group": "production",
         "secure": true
        }' \

Example of adding file variables

It is possible to pass text-based files to the cURL command with the help of CLI tools, such as sed or awk (which is used in the example below). These tools provide options to properly retain newlines, which are essential for some files (e.g. private keys) to function correctly.

  FILE=$(awk 1 ORS='\\n' file_path)
  curl -XPOST -H 'x-auth-token: <API TOKEN>' \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
       -d "{
       \"secure\": true
       }" \

To add binary-based files (e.g. images), they need to be base64 encoded first before passing them to the value parameter as strings. Note that the values will have to be base64 decoded during the build in order to be used.


Response for applications using codemagic.yaml
  "group": "production",
  "id": "619e329e0ca5fe19c3780c74",
  "key": "FOO",
  "secure": true,
  "value": "[HIDDEN]"
Response for applications using Workflow Editor
  "id": "61b06dbe72d7ad0017679014", 
  "key": "FOO", 
  "secure": true, 
  "value": "[HIDDEN]", 
  "workflowId": "60f0520c4c8734015080d401", 
  "workflowName": "Default Workflow"

Update existing variable

POST /apps/:id/variables/:variable_id


valuestringRequired. New value for the updated variable.
securebooleanOptional. By default, the variable is encrypted. Set to false to not encrypt the newly added variable.


  curl -XPOST \
       -H 'x-auth-token: <API Token>' \
       -H "Content-type: application/json" \
       -d '{
         "value": "foobar2",
         "secure": false
       }' \


Response for applications using codemagic.yaml
  "group": "production",
  "id": "619e329e0ca5fe19c3780c74",
  "key": "FOO",
  "secure": false,
  "value": "foobar2"
Response for applications using Workflow Editor
  "id": "61b06dbe72d7ad0017679014", 
  "key": "FOO", 
  "secure": false, 
  "value": "foobar2",
  "workflowId": "60f0520c4c8734015080d401", 
  "workflowName": "Default Workflow"

Remove variable

DELETE /apps/:id/variables/:variable_id


  curl -XDELETE \
       -H 'X-Auth-Token: <API Token>' \
       -H "Content-type: application/json" \


The response status code of a successful deletion is 204.