Run builds and builds steps conditionally

Configure conditions when build or build step should be run

In addition to the triggers specified in the triggering section of codemagic.yaml, it is possible to define custom conditions for more control over when to run builds and build steps.

Skip building a specific commit

Include [skip ci] or [ci skip] in your commit message, if you do not wish Codemagic to build a particular commit.

Using when to run or skip builds

Add the when key to the workflow root to either skip or run it depending on the specified changeset and condition.

Using changeset inside when

You can avoid unnecessary builds when functional components of your repository were not modified. Use conditional workflow triggering to skip building the workflow if the watched files were not updated since the last successful build.

You should specify the files to watch in changeset by using the includes and excludes keys.

    name: Build App
        - push
          - '.'
          - '**/*.md'

In this case, the build would be skipped if there were changes only to Markdown files .md.

Both keys includes and excludes in changeset are optional. If the includes key is not specified, its value will default to '.'. The excludes key defaults to no exclusions.

If you use a monorepo, each workflow can be responsible for building a part of your application. Use conditional workflow triggering and specify the path to the application in the changeset as in the example below.

    name: Build Android
        - push
          - 'android/'

As a result, commits with changes outside of the android folder will not trigger a build.

Note that codemagic.yaml is always included in the changeset by default.

Using condition inside when

Use condition for checking values of environment variables or webhook payload values to either run or skip build.

The condition you specify will be evaluated during the build. The build will be skipped if the condition evaluates to false.

You can use logical operators in condition, e.g. ==, not, and, or.

Environment variables are available under the env variable. You can check built-in or other environment variables.

Webhook payload is available under the event variable. You can check the structure of the webhook payloads that your git provider sends on the Webhooks tab in application settings. Note that event is not available if the build is started manually from the UI or by a schedule.

For example, the build will continue if the triggering event was not a draft pull request update:

    name: Build on PR update
        - pull_request
      condition: not event.pull_request.draft

Using when to run or skip build steps

You may want to either run or skip some specific build steps in your workflow when building your application.

Both changeset and condition are supported for build steps.