
Generate screenshots for a Flutter app with golden testing and upload them to the stores

If you are going to publish your Flutter app to App Store Connect or the Google Play Store, you can automate the process of taking screenshots and uploading them to the stores so your users can discover your app.

In order to strictly follow the steps below, you’ll need to use Riverpod (for dependendy injection) and intl (for internationalization) in your Flutter project. While it might not be necessary for your project, it’s important to keep in mind that, if you want this approach to work, you’ll have to properly separate the UI from the logic in your code, using Riverpod or some other means of dependency injection, so you can easily mock anything you want.

Automate screenshots generation

The screenshots will be generated thanks to golden testing, using the Golden Toolkit package. In the steps below, the screenshots will be illustrated as they are commonly seen in the stores. For each illustrated screenshot, here are the main steps to follow:

  • You first take a screenshot of the screen you want
  • You load the generated image using MemoryImage
  • You generate a new Flutter widget with all the needed decorations, texts, backgrounds… to decorate the screenshot
  • You take a final screenshot of that widget

Create a wrapper for the screen, so you’ll be able to screenshot it later:

Widget getScreenWrapper({
  required Widget child,
  required Locale locale,
  required bool isAndroid,
  List<Override> overrides = const [],
  return ProviderScope(
    overrides: overrides,
    child: MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      supportedLocales: L10n.all,
      localizationsDelegates: const [
      locale: locale,
      theme: ThemeData(
        platform: (isAndroid ? : TargetPlatform.iOS),
      home: Column(
        children: [
          Container(color:, height: 24), // fake, black and empty status bar
          Expanded(child: child),

The getScreenWrapper() function above returns the final screen to screenshot and here are its arguments:

  • The child argument is the screen you want to take a screenshot of.
  • The locale argument is the language you want to use for your screenshot.
  • The isAndroid argument is important here to get a rendering specific to each OS.
  • The overrides argument is useful to mock the logic of your app (database or webservices calls for example).
  • In that example, we use black for the status bar color, which is actually a basic rectangle. But you can change it to whatever you want.

In order to get your fonts working, you’ll need to add the following flutter_test_config.dart file in your test/ directory, with the following content:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:golden_toolkit/golden_toolkit.dart';

Future<void> testExecutable(FutureOr<void> Function() testMain) async
  await loadAppFonts();
  return testMain();

There are specific requirements for the screenshots sizes. Here are the size and densities that you can use for both the Google Play Store and the App Store Connect:

DeviceScreen sizeScreen density
Android smartphone1107 x 19683
7 inches Android tablet1206 x 21442
10 inches Android tablet1449 x 25762
iPad pro 2nd gen2048 x 27322
iPad pro 6th gen2048 x 27322
iPhone 8 Plus1242 x 22083
iPhone Xs Max1242 x 26883

Note that while the sizes for App Store Connect have to be specifically those sizes, the Google Play Store is more permissive. Also, if you want to display what your app looks like on a tablet, prefer the portrait mode (if it still makes sense for your app, of course), so your users can see more screens on the store without any swipe.

When it comes to naming the screenshots files to be uploaded to the stores, you can name them anything you want. But keep in mind that:

  • They will display in the stores in alphabetical order.
  • For the App Store Connect, since the two iPads have exactly the same size, we need to differentiate them by naming the iPad pro 6th gen files with a name that should contain IPAD_PRO_3GEN_129 (other values are possible as you can see in the deliver documentation).

Now you can take a screenshot of your screen (wrapped with the getScreenWrapper() function above), using the Golden Toolkit package:

Future<void> takeScreenshot({
   required WidgetTester tester,
   required Widget widget,
   required String pageName,
   required bool isFinal,
   required Size sizeDp,
   required double density,
   CustomPump? customPump,
 }) async
   await tester.pumpWidgetBuilder(widget);
   await multiScreenGolden(
     customPump: customPump,
     devices: [
         name: isFinal ? "final" : "screen",
         size: sizeDp,
         textScale: 1,
         devicePixelRatio: density,

Here are some important notes about the arguments:

  • The widget argument is the widget you want to screenshot.
  • The pageName argument is the name of the image file containing your screenshot.
  • Since you’ll take 2 screenshots per screen (one for the screen itself, another one for the final illustration), you’ll pass false for the isFinal argument here for the moment.
  • The density argument is the density of the device screen as specified above.
  • The sizeDp argument is the size of the device screen, where its width and height have to be divided by the density. For example, for the iPhone Xs Max, you’ll pass: Size(1242 / 3, 2688 / 3).
  • The customPump argument, although not mandatory, can be useful in some cases. By default, the Golden Toolkit package uses pumpAndSettle(), which can sometimes block the rendering if, for example, there is an infinite animation. In that case, you can pass the following argument (only for the first screenshot): (tester) async => await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 200)).

Calling the takeScreenshot() function above generates an image file. You can load it into an image widget as follows:

final screenFile = File("test/screenshots/goldens/$pageName.screen.png");  
final memoryImage = MemoryImage(screenFile.readAsBytesSync());  
final image = Image(image: memoryImage);

Now you can decorate your screenshot, using a function like the following that returns a new widget. Note that you might need to pass multiple arguments, including the screen information, depending on what you want to draw:

Widget getDecoratedScreen(Widget image, ...)
  return Container(
    child: ... // draw anything you want

You can now take a screenshot of the widget returned by the getDecoratedScreen() function above, again with the takeScreenshot() function. Note that this time, you shouldn’t need to pass anything to the customPump argument.

Finally, you can delete the first screenshot (the one in screenFile above): screenFile.deleteSync().

In order to keep your screenshots tests class separated from your other golden tests and unit tests, you may want to do as follow:

  • Add a tag at the very top of the test class that generates the screenshots, for example [@Tags]([“screenshots”]), then generate your illustrations with: flutter test --update-goldens --tags=screenshots
  • In order to launch your other tests without interfering with the screenshots test class, add the following argument to exclude the screenshots tests class: -x screenshots

One last thing: some screens display a back button in the app bar, but with that method above, that button won’t display. Here is what you can do:

  • Create a provider:
    final platformScreenshotProvider = Provider<bool?>((ref) => null);
  • Even though that provider value is null by default, it will be overridden in the golden tests like this: platformScreenshotProvider.overrideWithValue(isAndroid), where isAndroid can be true or false whether you’re on Android or iOS, and which returns an Override that you can pass in the overrides array argument of the getScreenWrapper() function above, like any other override.
  • Create a fake app bar back icon:
class AppBarBackIcon extends ConsumerWidget
  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref)
    return ( == true
        ? Icon(Icons.arrow_back_sharp)
        : Icon(Icons.arrow_back_ios_sharp));
  • Use that icon for the leading argument of the app bar in your app:
leading: ( != null
        ? const AppBarBackIcon()
        : null)

Note that this provider can be use anywhere in your app, to fake entered text in a TextFormField for example.

Automatically upload screenshots to the stores

To upload the screenshots to the stores, we will use the same strategy for both the Google Play Store and the App Store Connect: upload the screenshots while we deploy the app.

To achieve that, we will use Fastlane. Fastlane is pre-installed in Codemagic and is a set of open-source tools and scripts that automates building, testing, and deploying mobile apps for both iOS and Android.

You can easily install Fastlane on your local machine with the following command: sudo gem install fastlane.

Once installed, we need to set it up. Open a terminal and go to the root of your Flutter project.


  • Go to the android directory: cd android.
  • Run the following command: sudo fastlane init.
  • Follow the instructions with the minimum requirements.
  • At that point, you might need to change the owners of the generated files, since we used sudo:
sudo chown your_id fastlane/
sudo chown -R your_id fastlane/*
sudo chown your_id Gemfile
sudo chown your_id Gemfile.lock
  • Now, we need an API Key, which is a JSON. Just follow this short video to learn how to get that key. Let’s name that file google-play-store.json.
  • For testing purposes, we can locally save that file in the android directory. But don’t forget to add it in your .gitignore file.
  • Now you can test that Fastlane can communicate with your store with the following command:fastlane run validate_play_store_json_key json_key:google-play-store.json
  • Edit your Appfile file so you can update it like the following:
# Path to the json secret file, relative to the "android" directory:

# Package name (actually your application ID):
  • Finally, in order to locally get all the current screenshots and metadata with the right files and folders, run: sudo fastlane supply init. Here again, you might need to change the owners of the generated files as explained above.


  • Go to the ios directory: cd ios.
  • Run the following command: sudo fastlane init.
  • Follow the instructions with the minimum requirements: choose Manual setup, and continue. Be careful not to create an app on App Store Connect at this point.
  • Again, you might need to change the owners of the generated files, since we used sudo:
sudo chown your_id fastlane/ 
sudo chown -R your_id fastlane/* 
sudo chown your_id Gemfile 
sudo chown your_id Gemfile.lock
  • Now, we need an API Key, which is a JSON. Let’s name that file app_store_connect.json, which will look like the following:
    "key_id": "D123SF789",
    "issuer_id": "1234a5cd-12a3-4acb-56dd-123bb1234567",
    "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n[...]\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"

To get the different values, login to the App Store Connect, then go to My Apps > Users and access > Keys. Here you can generate a new API Key, which content will go into key in the JSON above. On that same page, you can also find the key ID that you’ve just created, and the Issuer ID that you can find on the top of the list.

  • For testing purposes, we can locally save that file in the ios directory. But don’t forget to add it in your .gitignore file.
  • Edit your Appfile file so you can update it like the following:
app_identifier("") # The bundle identifier of your app 
apple_id("") # Your Apple Developer Portal username 
itc_team_id("123456789") # App Store Connect Team ID 
team_id("123A4P567S") # Developer Portal Team ID
  • In order to locally get all the current screenshots and metadata with the right files and folders , run: sudo fastlane deliver init --use_live_version true. Here again, you might need to change the owners of the generated files as explained above.
  • Finally, if your app does not use encryption, in your Info.plist file, add the ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption key with false for its value.


Now you can add the following in your .gitignore file, at the root of your Flutter project:



Since the google-play-store.json and the app_store_connect.json files are not meant to be added to your repository, we need to provide them in the workflow in a safe way.

With Codemagic, you can for example store the content of the google-play-store.json file in a encrypted environment variable named GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS, and run a script in your workflow that will generate the google-play-store.json in the right location, with the right content, by doing as follow:

echo $GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS > android/google-play-store.json

Then in your workflow, you can write a script that copies the generated illustrations in the right directories. For example, here is how you can copy your illustrations for the French Android version of your app:

mkdir -p android/fastlane/metadata/android/fr-FR/images/phoneScreenshots
mkdir -p android/fastlane/metadata/android/fr-FR/images/sevenInchScreenshots
mkdir -p android/fastlane/metadata/android/fr-FR/images/tenInchScreenshots
mkdir -p android/fastlane/metadata/android/fr-FR/images/tvScreenshots
mkdir -p android/fastlane/metadata/android/fr-FR/images/wearScreenshots
cp test/screenshots/goldens/fr.android_smartphone.* android/fastlane/metadata/android/fr-FR/images/phoneScreenshots/
cp test/screenshots/goldens/fr.android_tablet_7.* android/fastlane/metadata/android/fr-FR/images/sevenInchScreenshots/
cp test/screenshots/goldens/fr.android_tablet_10.* android/fastlane/metadata/android/fr-FR/images/tenInchScreenshots/


One last step: the Fastfile files, one for Android, one for iOS, that will each contain the detailed command to deploy everything to each store.

Here is what the Fastfile file looks like for the Google Play Store (go to the supply documentation for more information):


platform :android do
  desc "Deploy app with screenshots to the Google Play Store"
  lane :deployapp do |options|
      package_name: "", # put your own package name instead
      aab: "../build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab", # check if it's the right path for you
      skip_upload_apk: "true",
      skip_upload_aab: "false",
      skip_upload_metadata: "false",
      skip_upload_changelogs: "false",
      skip_upload_images: "false",
      skip_upload_screenshots: "false",
      json_key: "google-play-store.json",
      track: "production",
      metadata_path: "./fastlane/metadata/android",
      version_code: options[:versionCode].to_i

And here is what the Fastfile file looks like for the App Store Connect (go to the deliver documentation for more information):


platform :ios do
  desc "Deploy app with screenshots to App Store Connect"
  lane :deployapp do |options|
      api_key_path: "./app_store_connect.json",
      app_version: options[:versionName],
      ipa: "../build/ios/ipa/mistikee.ipa",
      submit_for_review: true,
      skip_binary_upload: false,
      skip_metadata: false,
      skip_app_version_update: false,
      skip_screenshots: false,
      overwrite_screenshots: true,
      metadata_path: "./fastlane/metadata",
      screenshots_path: "./fastlane/screenshots",
      languages: ['en-US','fr-FR'], # or any other languages according to your needs
      precheck_include_in_app_purchases: false,
      force: true,
      submission_information: {
        add_id_info_limits_tracking: true,
        add_id_info_serves_ads: true, # or false, depending on your app having ads or not
        add_id_info_tracks_action: true,
        add_id_info_tracks_install: true,
        add_id_info_uses_idfa: true,
        content_rights_has_rights: true,
        content_rights_contains_third_party_content: true,
        export_compliance_platform: "ios",
        export_compliance_compliance_required: false,
        export_compliance_encryption_updated: false,
        export_compliance_app_type: nil,
        export_compliance_uses_encryption: false,
        export_compliance_is_exempt: false,
        export_compliance_contains_third_party_cryptography: false,
        export_compliance_contains_proprietary_cryptography: false,
        export_compliance_available_on_french_store: true

Now, in your workflow, in order to run the deployapp command above for the Google Play Store, you just need to run the following script:

cd android/
fastlane deployapp versionCode:1 # put your own version code here

And for the deployapp command above for the App Store Connect, here is the script:

cd ios/
fastlane deployapp versionName:"1.0.0" # put your own version name here

Note that the App Store Connect might sometimes be buggy when it comes to deleting the previous screenshots. If that operation takes too much time (it should be done in a matter of seconds), don’t hesitate to interrupt the script and run your workflow all over again.