SonarCloud integration
How to integrate your workflows with SonarCloud using codemagic.yaml
SonarCloud is SonarQube’s cloud-based code quality and code security service for projects hosted in cloud-based Git repositories such as GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab and Azure DevOps. It can be used as part of your CI/CD workflow to analyse your code each time you commit new code.
Sample projects that show how to configure SonarQube / SonarCloud integration are available in our sample projects repository for Android and iOS.
Create a SonarCloud account
You will need access to a SonarCloud account and can sign up for free. This will allow you to work with public repositories.
Add your app to SonarCloud
- Log into SonarCloud here
- Enter an organization key and click on Continue.
- Choose the Free plan and click on Create Organization.
- Click on My Account.
- Under the Security tab, generate a token by entering a name and clicking on Generate.
- Copy the token so you can use it as an environment variable in your Codemagic workflow.
- Click on the “+” button in the top-right corner, and select Analyze a new project to add a new project.
- Select the project and click on Set Up.
- Wait for the initial analysis to complete, then modify the Last analysis method.
- Turn off the SonarCloud Automatic Analysis.
You can now upload code analysis reports to SonarCloud from your CI/CD pipeline.
Configuring access to SonarCloud in Codemagic
There are three environment variables that need to be added to your workflow for the SonarCloud integration: SONAR_TOKEN
is the token you created when setting up your accountSONAR_PROJECT_KEY
can be obtained from your project settings once it has been added to SonarCloudSONAR_ORG_KEY
is also obtained from your SonarCloud project settings
Open your Codemagic app settings, and go to the Environment variables tab.
Enter the desired Variable name, e.g.
.Enter the required value as Variable value.
Enter the variable group name, e.g. sonarcloud_credentials. Click the button to create the group.
Make sure the Secure option is selected.
Click the Add button to add the variable.
Repeat the process to add all of the required variables.
Add the sonarcloud_credentials group in your
- sonarcloud_credentials
Platform specific configuration
To use SonarCloud with Android projects, you need to add the sonarqube plugin to the app/build.gradle
plugins {
id "org.sonarqube" version "3.3"
You also need to set Sonarcloud properties in the same app/build.gradle
sonarqube {
properties {
property "", ""
property "sonar.branch", System.getenv("CM_BRANCH")
property "sonar.projectKey", System.getenv("SONAR_PROJECT_KEY")
property "sonar.organization", System.getenv("SONAR_ORG_KEY")
property "", System.getenv("CM_BRANCH")
property "", System.getenv("CM_PULL_REQUEST_DEST")
property "sonar.login", System.getenv("SONAR_TOKEN")
Finally, add the scripts to build the debug version and generate the analysis report to your codemagic.yaml
- name: Generate debug build
script: |
./gradlew assembleDebug
- name: Generate and upload code analysis report
script: |
./gradlew sonarqube
An Android sample project that shows how to configure SonarCloud integration is available here
To use SonarCloud with iOS projects, you need to:
- install the Sonar Scanner
- generate a debug build of your project
- convert the coverage report to Sonarqube format
- generate and upload code analysis report
To convert the coverage report to Sonarqube format, create a bash script in your project’s root folder named
with the following content:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
function convert_file {
local xccovarchive_file="$1"
local file_name="$2"
local xccov_options="$3"
echo " <file path=\"$file_name\">"
xcrun xccov view $xccov_options --file "$file_name" "$xccovarchive_file" | \
sed -n '
s/^ *\([0-9][0-9]*\): 0.*$/ <lineToCover lineNumber="\1" covered="false"\/>/p;
s/^ *\([0-9][0-9]*\): [1-9].*$/ <lineToCover lineNumber="\1" covered="true"\/>/p
echo ' </file>'
function xccov_to_generic {
echo '<coverage version="1">'
for xccovarchive_file in "$@"; do
if [[ ! -d $xccovarchive_file ]]
echo "Coverage FILE NOT FOUND AT PATH: $xccovarchive_file" 1>&2;
exit 1
local xccov_options=""
if [[ $xccovarchive_file == *".xcresult"* ]]; then
xcrun xccov view $xccov_options --file-list "$xccovarchive_file" | while read -r file_name; do
convert_file "$xccovarchive_file" "$file_name" "$xccov_options"
echo '</coverage>'
xccov_to_generic "$@"
All of the other steps will be performed using scripts in your codemagic.yaml
- name: Install Sonar Scanner
script: |
brew install sonar-scanner
- name: Generate debug build
script: |
xcodebuild \
-project "$XCODE_PROJECT" \
-scheme "$XCODE_SCHEME" \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 12 Pro,OS=14.5' \
-derivedDataPath Build/ \
-enableCodeCoverage YES \
- name: Convert coverage report to Sonarqube format
script: |
bash Build/Logs/Test/*.xcresult/ > sonarqube-generic-coverage.xml
- name: Generate and upload code analysis report
script: |
export PATH=$PATH:$CM_BUILD_DIR/sonar-scanner/bin
sonar-scanner \
-Dsonar.projectKey=$SONAR_PROJECT_KEY \
-Dsonar.organization=$SONAR_ORG_KEY \ \
-Dsonar.login=$SONAR_TOKEN \
-Dsonar.projectVersion=1.0.0 \
-Dsonar.sources=. \ \
-Dsonar.coverageReportPaths=sonarqube-generic-coverage.xml \
-Dsonar.c.file.suffixes=- \
-Dsonar.cpp.file.suffixes=- \
An iOS sample project that shows how to configure SonarCloud integration is available here