LambdaTest integration

How to integrate your workflows with LambdaTest using codemagic.yaml

LambdaTest is a cloud-based mobile testing platform that provides the ability to test your applications on real mobile devices. LambdaTest can be used as a part of your Codemagic CI/CD pipeline to test your applications.

LambdaTest offers two testing environments, Real Time and App Automation. Applications can be submitted to both testing environments through Codemagic using a cURL request.

A sample project that shows how to configure LambdaTest integration is available in our Sample projects repository.

Configure LambdaTest in Codemagic

Registering with LambdaTest is required in order to be able to get the username and access token. You can sign up for free here.

The LAMBDATEST_AUTH environment variable is a base64 encoded string which consists of the username you log into LambdaTest with and the LambdaTest API token you created:


You can encode these credentials in the macOS Terminal using:

echo -n '<username>:<api_token>' | openssl base64

Alternatively, use an online tool to base64 encode this string.

This value is used in the Authorization header used in cURL requests to the LambdaTest API.

  1. Open your Codemagic app settings, and go to the Environment variables tab.

  2. Enter the desired Variable name, e.g. LAMBDATEST_AUTH.

  3. Copy and paste the base64 encoded authentication string as Variable value.

  4. Enter the variable group name, e.g. lambdatest_credentials. Click the button to create the group.

  5. Make sure the Secure option is selected.

  6. Click the Add button to add the variable.

  7. Add the variable group to your codemagic.yaml file

          - lambdatest_credentials

LambdaTest Real Time

You can test your .ipa and .apk directly on real devices by submitting them to the LambdaTest environment via a cURL request:

    - name: Submitting app to LambdaTest:
      script: | 
        curl --location --request POST '' \ 
          --header 'Authorization: Basic $LAMBDATEST_AUTH' --form 'name="lambda1"' \ 
          --form 'appFile=@"app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk"'

As soon as your .ipa and .apk are successfully built, they will appear in the LambdaTest UI under Real Device => Real Time. Any preferred devices can be selected for testing with Real Time.

LambdaTest App Automation

In order to see your tests being uploaded to the App Automation, tests need to be included in your project. As soon as tests are detected, they will be automatically uploaded to the App Automation section and all the results can be viewed there. However, in order to enable it, some capabilities must be injected into your project’s test scripts:

    DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
    capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "Android");
    capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "Google Pixel 3");
    capabilities.setCapability("isRealMobile", true);
    capabilities.setCapability("deviceOrientation", "PORTRAIT");
    DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
    capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");
    capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone 10");
    capabilities.setCapability("isRealMobile", true);
    capabilities.setCapability("deviceOrientation", "PORTRAIT");

These capabitlies will allow LambdaTest to detect which platform you want to you execute your test scripts with. In these capabilities, the main part is app URL which is generated in the response of the cURL request:
