Emerge Tools integration

How to integrate your workflows with Emerge using codemagic.yaml

Emerge Tools helps you monitor and reduce app size with insights for instant savings. It provides continuous monitoring to write smaller, better code by profiling binary size on every pull request.

A sample project that shows how to configure Emerge Tools integration is available in our Sample projects repository.

Configuring access to Emerge in Codemagic

To get started with Emerge Tools, you need to create an API key and save it as an environment variable in Codemagic.

  1. Obtain an API key from your Emerge Tools profile by clicking the Create a new API Key button.
Warning: Make sure to save the API key, as you cannot view it again on the site.
  1. Open your Codemagic app settings, and go to the Environment variables tab.

  2. Enter the desired Variable name, e.g. EMERGE_API_TOKEN.

  3. Copy and paste the API key string as Variable value.

  4. Enter the variable group name, e.g. emergetools_credentials. Click the button to create the group.

  5. Make sure the Secure option is selected.

  6. Click the Add button to add the variable.

  7. Add the variable group to your codemagic.yaml file

          - emergetools_credentials

Fastlane plugin

Emerge has created a plugin for Fastlane that makes it easy to upload iOS builds. You can add it to your project by running:

    - name: Install Emerge Tools Fastlane plugin
      script: | 
        fastlane add_plugin emerge

In the Fastfile, create a lane that utilizes the emerge plugin to upload the archive. You can refer to the complete example given below for uploading the build to Emerge:

fastlane_require 'git'


git = Git.open('..')

platform :ios do
  lane :emerge_app_upload do

    FILE_PATH = "/build/ios/xcarchive/swiftly.xcarchive"

    BASE_BUILD_ID = git.log[0].parent.sha
    PARENT_BUILD_ID = git.log[0].sha
    if IS_PULL_REQUEST == "true"
        file_path: FILE_PATH,
        build_type: "pull_request",
        repo_name: REPO_NAME,
        pr_number: PR_NUMBER,
        sha: CURRENT_BUILD_ID,
        base_sha: BASE_BUILD_ID
    elsif BRANCH.eql? "main"
        file_path: FILE_PATH, 
        build_type: "main",
        repo_name: REPO_NAME,
        sha: PARENT_BUILD_ID

This script checks if the current build is building a pull request. If it is a pull request, it takes the source commit of the build and compares it to the build of the base commit hash. Then, it uploads it to Emerge for processing for the size comparison. Otherwise, it uploads the build to Emerge with the type “main”.

Configuring codemagic.yaml

You can upload the iOS build to Emerge Tool as a part of your Codemagic CI/CD workflow to automate the process. Here is an example of the scripts you can add to your codemagic.yaml for building the archive and uploading it to Emerge. Don’t forget to upload a base build so Emerge can compare the archive’s size differences in subsequent pull requests.

  - name: Bundle install
    script: | 
      bundle install
  - name: Install Emerge Tools Fastlane plugin
    script: | 
      fastlane add_plugin emerge
  - name: Build ipa for distribution
    script: | 
      xcode-project build-ipa --project "$XCODE_PROJECT" --scheme "$XCODE_SCHEME"
  - name: Upload archive to Emerge Tools
    script: | 
      bundle exec fastlane emerge_app_upload