CodePush integration

How to integrate your workflows with CodePush using Codemagic

CodePush is a cloud service that enables React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users’ devices without re-deploying them to the stores. Codemagic offers a hosted and maintained CodePush server with a free license for annual plan subscriptions. Dedicated CodePush servers are available on request. To activate your team’s CodePush account and for more information, please contact us here.

Step by step guide to configure CodePush

Note: Skip to step 5 if CodePush is already configured for your project.
  1. Start with setting up CodePush in your React Native project by following the steps for iOS and Android
  2. Install React Native CodePush plugin by running npm install –save react-native-code-push in the root directory
  3. Make sure Codemagic provided server URL is correctly configured in the project:

For iOS, place the following key and its string in Info.plist:


For Android, add the following line in strings.xml:

 <string moduleConfig="true" name="CodePushServerUrl"></string>
  1. While making changes in Info.plist and strings.xml files, add the Deployment keys:

For iOS:


For Android:

<string moduleConfig="true" name="CodePushDeploymentKey">YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_KEY</string>

Note: About how to find the deployment keys, please refer to step 7.

  1. After configuring all the above-mentioned steps, it is time to set up the Codemagic side configuration and authentication. For that, contact Codemagic team for an access key.
  2. Add the following lines in codemagic.yaml:
    - name: Install CodePush cli tools
      script: |                         
          git clone /tmp/code-push-server
          cd /tmp/code-push-server/cli
          npm install && npm run build && npm install -g
    - name: CodePush authentication
      script: |
          code-push-standalone login "" --key $CODEPUSH_TOKEN       
    - name: CodePush add app # this script can be skipped if you have existing apps
      script: |
          code-push-standalone app add YOUR_PREFERRED_APP_NAME
          code-push-standalone app ls
    - name: Install npm dependencies
      script: |
        npm install
    - name: Codepush deployment
      script: |         
           code-push-standalone release-react APP_NAME_CREATED_ABOVE ios -d Staging# -d refers to the deployment name e.g. Production, Staging
           code-push-standalone release-react APP_NAME_CREATED_ABOVE android -d Staging # -d refers to the deployment name e.g. Production, Staging
Note: $CODEPUSH_TOKEN for authentication will be provided by the Codemagic team and it needs to be added as an environment variable and then imported in codemagic.yaml. More info can be found here
Note: Running code-push-standalone release-react generates updates and releases them to the server to be served
  1. In order to reveal the Deployment keys, run code-push-standalone deployment ls YOUR_APP_NAME -k
  2. By default, you get two Deployment channels: Staging and Production. You can add new ones, rename or delete them by running the following commands:
To Add: code-push-standalone deployment add <appName> <deploymentName>
To Remove: code-push-standalone deployment rm <appName> <deploymentName>
To Rename: code-push-standalone deployment rename <appName> <deploymentName> <newDeploymentName>
  1. Likewise, apps can be added, renamed and deleted:
To Add: code-push-standalone app add <appName>
To Rename: code-push-standalone app rename <appName> <newAppName>
To Delete: code-push-standalone app rm <appName>
  1. If you need to patch releases e.g. you need to make a change in a previous release e.g. increase rollout percentage, a missed bug fix etc. you can achieve it by running code-push-standalone patch

  2. You cannot delete a deployment release history but you can roll it back in case any release was shipped with a broken feature or anything, by running code-push-standalone rollback

  3. After testing an update against a deployment channel, it is possible to promote it by running the following command:

code-push-standalone promote <appName> <sourceDeploymentName> <destDeploymentName>

Managing apps and deployments with the CodePush CLI

You can manage your apps and deployments using the CodePush CLI which you can install on your local machine as follows:

git clone /tmp/code-push-server
cd /tmp/code-push-server/cli
npm install && npm run build && npm install -g

You can log into your account using the CodePush access key provided by Codemagic.

The CodePush CLI reference is available here.

To view deployments, update metadata, and installation metrics you can use the code-push-standalone deployment ls <app_name> command as described in the CodePush CLI docs here

Debugging notes

If your project Info.plist file key CFBundleShortVersionString does not hold a semver string value, then it’s highly likely you will see the following error when releasing an update:

[Error]  The "CFBundleShortVersionString" key in the "ios/Codemagic_RN/Info.plist" file needs to specify a valid semver string, containing both a major and minor version (e.g. 1.3.2, 1.1).

The solution is to either change the value in Info.plist file to a semver string value which is not recommended, or the best option is to add –targetBinaryVersion to the build/release command: code-push-standalone release-react iOS ios –targetBinaryVersion 1.0.0