Running automated tests

How to run automated tests in builds configured with the Flutter workflow editor

Codemagic supports running unit, integration and widget tests as well as static code analysis with flutter analyze. When testing is enabled, tests are run automatically every time your project is built. You can configure the test settings in App settings > Tests.

Detecting tests

During the first build of your app, Codemagic will scan the repository’s content and automatically detect the tests according to the project structure. The expected locations of the tests are as follows:

Unit and widget tests: project_root/test

Integration tests (Flutter Driver tests): project_root/test_driver

Note: If your Flutter project is in a subdirectory of the repository, Codemagic cannot detect your tests automatically unless you add at least one test file in the project_root/test or project_root/test_driver folder.

Running Flutter Driver tests

There are several options for running integration tests during the build. You can select one option per workflow:

  • iOS simulator (selected by default)
  • Android emulator
  • Chrome

Devices available on the machine are:

emulator            • emulator      • Google         • android
apple_ios_simulator • iOS Simulator • Apple          • ios
Chrome (web)        • chrome        • web-javascript • Google Chrome

For iOS and Android, it’s recommended to launch the desired emulator before the tests start:

flutter emulators --launch ios


flutter emulators --launch emulator
Tip: You can set up separate workflows to run tests both on iOS and Android.


The recommended approach to running integration tests is to use flutter test and the integration_test dependency. To do so, navigate to App settings > Tests > Integration and unit tests and under Flutter drive arguments define the following:

test integration_test

To run only a specific test, the path has to be specified:

test integration_test/app_test.dart


However, the above approach is not suitable for integration tests for web using chromedriver, and the following arguments are recommended instead:

drive --driver=test_driver/integration_test.dart --target=integration_test/app_test.dart
Note that for this approach, creating the test_driver folder with the integration_test.dart file beforehand is required, as per Flutter documentation.

Stop build if tests or analysis fail

If you check Stop build if tests or analysis fail, the build will stop after finishing all the enabled tests or analysis runs when any of them fail. Such builds will have the status “failed”.

Running tests in Firebase Test Lab

Integration tests can also be run on real devices in Firebase Test Lab when using the integration_test package and custom scripts in Codemagic. See a detailed guide on how to set up testing in Firebase Test Lab here.