GitHub releases with Flutter workflow editor

How to create a GitHub release with artifacts using the Flutter workflow editor

Codemagic enables you to create a GitHub release automatically and upload generated artifacts when your build is triggered on tag creation. Read more about GitHub releases in GitHub’s documentation.


Publishing GitHub releases is available for GitHub repositories only. Publishing to GitHub happens only for successful builds triggered on tag creation and is unavailable for manual builds.

Note: The UI section for setting up publishing GitHub releases is deprecated in Flutter workflow editor. To continue to publish GitHub releases, please follow the instructions below.
  1. Create a personal access token in GitHub as described here.
  2. In the Environment section in Codemagic, save the personal access token as an environment variable with the name GITHUB_TOKEN.
  3. In the Build triggers section, select Trigger on tag creation. Don’t forget to add a branch pattern and ensure the webhook exists.
  4. Add the following custom script in the pre-publish step that publishes the artifacts with tag builds. Edit the placeholders like your application name and the path to build artifacts to match your setup.
   #!/usr/bin/env zsh

   # Publish only for tag builds
   if [ -z ${CM_TAG} ]; then
     echo "Not a tag build will not publish GitHub release"
     exit 0

   # See more options about `gh release create` usage from GitHub CLI
   # official docs at

   gh release create "${CM_TAG}" \
       --title "<Your Application Name> ${CM_TAG}" \
       --notes-file \
       path/to/build-artifact.ipa \

   # Note that you don't need to include title and changelog if you do not want to.
   # Any number of artifacts can be included with the release.