Email and Slack notifications

How to configure build status updates with links to artifacts in the Flutter workflow editor


Email publishing settings can be found in App settings > Notifications > Email.

Email publishing is the only publishing option that is enabled by default. Codemagic uses the email specified as the default one in the service you used to log in (Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab). You can add multiple email addresses.

If the build finishes successfully, release notes (if passed) and the generated artifacts will be published to the provided email. The artifact download links in email are, by default, valid for 24 hours; the lifetime of publicly accessible artifact download links is configurable in Team settings > Artifact download links.

If the build fails, you will be sent a link to the build logs. Check the Publish artifacts even if tests fail option in the workflow editor to publish artifacts even when one or more tests fail. If that option is unchecked, generated artifacts (if there are any) will be attached only to successful builds.

MS Teams

To be able to receive emails from Codemagic to your MS Teams account, please go to your MS Teams account and select Anyone can send emails to this address in Get email address > Advanced settings.

Use only the part in angle brackets from the whole address line (e.g. My awesome company <>).


In order to set up publishing to Slack, you first need to connect the Slack workspace in Teams > Personal Account > Integrations > Slack for your personal apps and in Teams > Your Team Name > Team integrations > Slack for the team apps.

Once your Slack workspace is connected, you can enable Slack publishing and select a channel for publishing in App settings > Notifications > Slack when using the workflow editor.

In order to publish to private channels, you need to invite the Codemagic app to the channels, otherwise, the app does not have access to private channels. To invite the Codemagic app to private channels, write @codemagic in the channel. If you are in the Codemagic web app, refresh the page, and the new channel will become available in the dropdown menu.

If the build finishes successfully, release notes (if passed) and the generated artifacts will be published to the specified channel. The artifact download links in Slack notifications are, by default, valid for 24 hours; the lifetime of publicly accessible artifact download links is configurable in Team settings > Artifact download links.

If the build fails, a link to the build logs is published. Check Publish artifacts even if tests fail to publish artifacts even when one or more tests fail. If the option is unchecked, generated artifacts (if any) will be attached to successful builds only.

To receive a notification when a build starts, check the checkbox Notify when the build starts.

Published artifacts

When you set up email or Slack publishing, Codemagic publishes the following artifacts:

  • app, ipa, apk, the archive with Flutter web build directory, Linux application bundle files, Windows MSIX packages, and .exe files.

** NOTE: We only send emails on successful builds when there are above mentioned artifact types **